Turkish dam on the Tigris River to reduce Iraq's water supply by 56 per cent

8/8/2022 3:38:09 PM
 Visualized illustration of the Jizera after its completion.
 photo: Google
The Iraqi government says Iraq's water supply will be reduced by 56 per cent if it builds the Jizera dam.

Iraqi Resources Ministry spokesman Hatem Hamid said the Iraqi government has been protesting against the construction of the Jizera dam on the Tigris River for ten years, but Ankara has ignored the protests and demands of the Iraqi government, and construction is ongoing on the dam.

Suppose the dam on the Tigris River is completed. In that case, Iraq's water share will be reduced by 56 per cent, which will further complicate Iraq's water shortage problems, Hamid added.

Jizera Dam is the last dam of the series of Dams that Turkey builds on the Tigris River. The Jizera Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant, built on the Tigris River in the Cizre district of Şırnak, will have an installed power of 240 MWe and an annual electricity generation capacity of 1 billion 208 million kilowatt-hours.

The Dam will be the second largest hydroelectric power plant to be built on the Tigris River after the Ilısu Dam, which is near its completion and has dramatically reduced the river's southward flow Iraq relies on for its freshwater needs.


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