Remains of a hundred Barzani Anfal victims will be repatriated

7/27/2022 8:17:51 PM
 Anfal remains repatriated in a ceremony.
The remains of 100 Barzani victims of Anfal will be returned to the Kurdistan region on Saturday and reburied at the Barzani monument the next day.

The remains of 100 Barzanis were recovered from Iraq’s southern deserts, Adel Mala Saleh, spokesperson for the Region’s Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs, said.

The bodies of 100 Barzani victims of Anfal will be returned to the Kurdistan region via Erbil International Airport. They will be transported to the Barzan region in a special ceremony and reburied in Barzan village on Sunday.

The bodies were found in the Arar desert in southern Iraq. They were sent to Baghdad for DNA testing to verify their whereabouts, and it was found out that they were Barzan Anfal victims.

The atrocities committed against the Barzan tribe were part of the Baathist regime’s genocidal Anfal campaign to exterminate the Kurds. Anfal refers to the eighth chapter, or Surah, in the Quran – which was the codename used by Baathists for the genocide. Anfal is translated as the spoils of war. More than 182,000 people were massacred and over 4,500 villages demolished in the various phases of the Anfal campaign that began in late March 1988, starting with the Halabja Chemical bombardment that gas 5000 people to death.

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