Iraqi Parliament to meet soon: Fatah Coalition

9/24/2022 5:48:52 PM
 Iraqi lawmakers attend the first parliament session in Baghdad, Iraq, September 3, 2018.
 photo: AP/Karim Kadim
Hadi Amiri's Fatah Coalition expects the Iraqi parliament to meet on Tuesday.

Hadi Amiri's Fatah coalition that is an essential member of the Shiite Coordination Framework, said “the Iraqi parliament is expected to resume sessions on Tuesday to complete the legal procedures for the formation of the new government.

Although protesters have ended their sits ins and camping in front of the since weeks the Parliament has not since its speaker suspended its sessions on July 30.

“One of the main topics of the meeting will be to fill the post of first deputy speaker of the Iraqi parliament and the post will be given to independent MPs and MP Mahmoud Mandela will be nominated for the post, the Fatah coalition said.

On late July, Sadrist supporters stormed Baghdad’s Green Zone and entered the Parliament and other governmental buildings. The dissidents camped inside the parliament and have stalled parliament meetings since then.

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