Kurdish scientist designed first robot 8 centuries ago
Al-Jazari’s boat, recreated here an exhibition in Istanbul, played music and was powered by water.
photo: KurdSat English
Hailing from the Kurdish city of Amed in Turkey, Ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari, nicknamed Badi al-Zaman, was busy designing and coming up with fresh ideas in his laboratory in Amed at a time when much of the world was devolved in conflict.
In 1205, al-Zaman wrote a book entitled "The Combination Between Science and Useful Work in the Industry of Tricks," in addition to paying attention to the theoretical fields of hydraulics, mechanics, and physics, he also paid attention to the practical aspect and was arguably the first scientist to use experimentation as a way to prove theories, and is a pioneer of the scientific method.
In his book, the Kurdish scientist mentions 50 devices, most of which he invented and developed several.
Al-Jazari decorated his book with 500 figures to illustrate how his instruments worked. One of the most prominent devices is the water clock, positioned on the back of an elephant, it designed in the shape of a decorative tower. Another tool was a peacock-shaped fountain that could be turned on and off in a button-like device, making him one of the earliest developers of a button.
Al-Jazari designed a musical group consisting of droids. Most historians consider it, his most important invention which is a proto-robot. Four instrumentalist robots make up the robot, which is mounted on a ship and automatically works when put into the water; this invention was mainly for the entertainment of parties and weddings of kings and sultans.
Ibn al-Razzaz's work can be considered the foundation for mechanical and hydraulic engineering in the Middle Ages; he pioneered ways to develop robots that helped future scientists better design droids.