Baghdad Green Zone closed amid potential protests

12/18/2022 12:13:48 PM
 Security forces setting up obstacles before the Green Zone gates in Baghdad, Iraq.
The gates of the Green Zone in Baghdad have been closed due to teachers' protests.

KurdSat reporter in Baghdad said that the gates of the Green Zone had been closed with security increased in the Green Zone perimeters. Lecturers have taken to the streets for the past few days demanding permanent employment, prompting the authorities to take strict measures and prevent another storming of the Zone, our reporter said. The lecturers have worked previously in contracts that lasted a year or two.

Also, in Baghdad today, Iraqi Airways temporary employees gathered in front of the Ministry of Transportation building and demanded permanent employment.

Mirroring Baghdad, Basra contract employees with Zubair municipality held a rally demanding their permanent appointment.

Najaf and Diwaniya farmers protested and blocked the main road between Najaf and Diwaniya, demanding payment for grains that the government had recently acquired but failed to pay for.

Since 2019, protests have become a norm, usually resulting in property damage and the closure of businesses and roads, yet they fail to yield tangible results.a

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