Rojhelat goes on general strike as Iran protests enter second month

10/22/2022 6:26:44 PM
 Empty streets in Sanandaj following the general strike on October 22, 2022. .
 photo: KurdSat
Protest and unrest continue in Rojhelat and Iran today; a general strike and nationwide demonstrations are held.

Protests continue in most cities of Rojhelat and Iran, and last night in Sanaa, Saqiz, Mahabad, Piranshahr, Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan, Mashhad, and Zahedan, citizens took to the streets chanting slogans Jin, Jian, Azadi.

Tensions broke out between demonstrators and security forces in Sanaa, Saqiz, Bana, Bokan, Mahabad, Urmia, and several other cities.

Irani security forces have abducted six female children in Kermanshah’s Javanrud district, and two According to a statement issued by Hengaw Human Rights Organization, six boys and girls have been kidnapped in Jawanro city of Kermanshah province, two in Gilan and four in Ilam provinces, and their whereabouts are still unknown, according to Hengaw.

The Kurdish human rights watchdog also reported the disappearance of “two Kurdish students, brothers from Kurdistan’s Saqqez province. 

A 30-year-old man was seriously injured and later gave in to his injuries in Sapelli Zahawi in Rojhelat.

According to International Amnesty, “over 82 Baluchi protesters and bystanders have beenkilled in Iran security forces crackdown,”

Thousands of people, including more than 320 children aged below 18, have been arrested during the 38 days of protests, a committee investigating the detainment of protesters said.

The Islamic Republic has been gripped by five weeks of unrest, strikes, and protests that erupted after the death in morality police custody of 22-year-old Zhina Amini last month.

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