Unrest underway in Iranian Kurdish cities

1/1/2023 7:47:29 PM
 Female protesters has revealed her hair to protest the Iranian government.
 photo: KurdSat English
As unrest sweeps across Iran, security forces increase their crackdown on the protesters.

Last night, people took to the streets in Tehran, Karaj, and several other East Kurdistan and Iran cities, chanting slogans against the Iranian government and authorities.

Today, the funeral of seven people killed in Jawanro city of Kermanshah province. The deceased were identified as Irfan Kakaei, Bahadin Waisi, Jawhar Fatahi,  Jamal Azemi, Tahsin Miri, and Ismail Gul Anbar, and Massoud Taymouri were shot dead by security forces on Monday after returning from the funeral of several protesters in Jawanro.

According to Hengaw Human Rights Organization, many people attended the ceremony. The security forces used tear gas, and then heavy clashes broke out between the security forces and the people, killing a young man named Burhan Eliyasi and seriously injuring a child.

The recent unrest in Iran has entered the new year with no prospect for the protesters to back down, as the country's economy is taking a heavy toll.

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